, Abu Dhabi – The New North Star, SSUP

What do people look for when they travel?
Culture, people, heritage, art, history, architecture, food… but mostly a sense of satisfaction that they followed the right direction to the right destination. They seek a longlasting experience, they need a breather, a solution, and a feeling of being welcome all year round, starting from sunshine for 360 days.

Abu Dhabi IS the NEXT destination.

It is similar to the North Star, the brightest star in the orientation’s constellation. It can be visible to the naked eye from anywhere, and therefore it’s a reliable way to find the direction north, direction HOME. Abu Dhabi IS today this North Star, bright, vital, stable in its place, leading people to the right destination to fulfill their needs, requirements and find an unforgettable memory of satisfaction.

Abu Dhabi, the New North Star!